Welcome to the Domus of Professor Michael York

While the house is currently under construction, please feel free to enter, read my blog

(kept at the focus), contemplate at the lararium, or peruse the biblioteca.

On both sides of the Vestibulum or entrance of the house itself, there are two shops:

the Taberna of Richard (on the left) and the Taberna of Michael (on the right)

In this last, there will be website links through which some of my books could be purchased.

I invite you to enter and explore the public parts of my house. My Roman name is Arius Pompilius,

and my magical name is EIRR. At the focus in the atrium you will find my latest update report.
Since I lead a quasi-peripatetic life, this is where I seek to express what I have recently experienced

or discovered. The lararium is the household shrine. Here you will find celebrations indicated for the feriae

or festivals of the Roman calendar, those that were discerned and arranged by my spiritual ancestor,

Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome. The tablinum off the atrium is my office study, and you are

welcome here to greet me and leave messages through the email address that you find here.

In the tablinum you will also find some suggested links to other sites as well as some suggested readings.

Finally, I also invite you to peruse the bibliotheca or library.
While the house is under construction and is likely to remain so for a long time, please tread carefully.

Welcome to the cyber home of Arius Pompilius / Michael York.




January 11, 2011